2016 California Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide - Eff. Jan. 1, 2017
11B-405.7 Landings.
Ramps shall have landings at the top and the bottom of each ramp run. Landings shall comply with Section 11B-405.7.
[2010 ADAS] Advisory 405.7 Landings. Ramps that do not have level landings at changes in direction can create a compound slope that will not meet the requirements of this document. Circular or curved ramps continually change direction. Curvilinear ramps with small radii also can create compound cross slopes and cannot, by their nature, meet the requirements for accessible routes. A level landing is needed at the accessible door to permit maneuvering and simultaneously door operation.
change in direction
top landing
FIGURE 11B-405.7 ‡‡
11B-405.7.1 Slope.
Landings shall comply with Section 11B-302. Changes in level are not permitted.
Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.
11B-405.7.2 Width.
The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the widest ramp run leading to the landing.
Top landings shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum.
11B-405.7.3 Length.
The landing clear length shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) long minimum.
Bottom landings shall extend 72 inches (1829 mm) minimum in the direction of ramp run.
11B-405.7.4 Change in direction.
Ramps that change direction between runs at landings shall have a clear landing 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 72 inches (1829 mm) minimum in the direction of downward travel from the upper ramp run.
[2010 ADAS] 405.7.4 Change in Direction. Ramps that change direction between runs at landings shall have a clear landing 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.
11B-405.7.5 Doorways.
Where doorways are located adjacent to a ramp landing, maneuvering clearances required by Sections 11B-404.2.4 and 11B-404.3.2 shall be permitted to overlap the required landing area. Doors, when fully open, shall not reduce the required ramp landing width by more than 3 inches (76 mm). Doors, in any position, shall not reduce the minimum dimension of the ramp landing to less than 42 inches (1067 mm).
[2010 ADAS] 405.7.5 Doorways. Where doorways are located adjacent to a ramp landing, maneuvering clearances required by 404.2.4 and 404.3.2 shall be permitted to overlap the required landing area.
ETA Editor's Note
Since 2010 ADAS makes no distinction between top, bottom and intermediate landings, CBC is more stringent regarding ramp landings. Also, CBC allows less encroachment of doors onto ramp landings.
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