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2015 KT Conference: Knowledge Translation Solutions for Overcoming Barriers to Research Use

October 26-30, 2015   |   Organized by: SEDL's Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)


Date/Time: October 26, 28, & 30, 2015

Description: Knowledge Translation Solutions for Overcoming Barriers to Research Use. Knowledge translation (KT) strategies are used by grantees funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to share their research with a variety of audiences. KT activities are used to create a change in awareness, behavior, or action on the part of the identified audience. This online conference is designed to help grantees to identify both barriers to the use of their NIDILRR-funded research and strategies to overcome them. The conference is oriented toward resolving problems or limitations in KT activities of NIDILRR-funded grantees and other researchers. (We have requested pre-approval for 9.5 hours CRC-CEUs, which would also apply for viewing the conference archives.)

Monday October 26 - Understanding Your Audiences and Their Needs

Wednesday October 28 - Environments, Formats, and Strategies

Friday October 30 - Policy and Outcomes


Event Time
Overview and Welcome 5:00 pm - 5:05 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Updates from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) 5:05 pm - 5:15 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Welcome from American Institutes for Research (AIR) 5:15 pm - 5:20 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Engaging Stakeholders in Rehabilition Research: Literature vs. Reality 5:20 pm - 6:20 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Translating Research Findings for Uptake and Use by Various Stakeholders 6:20 pm - 6:40 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Break 6:40 pm - 7:00 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Practical KT: Ensuring Relevance and Use 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Interactive Reaction and Discussion 8:00 pm - 8:50 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Wrap up Day 1 8:50 pm - 9:00 pm UTC, October 26, 2015
Day 1 Review, Day 2 Overview 5:00 pm - 5:10 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Knowledge Translation Planning Template 5:10 pm - 6:10 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Technology Transfer Planning Template 6:10 pm - 6:30 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Break 6:30 pm - 6:50 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Using a Social Media Guide and Workbook 6:50 pm - 7:50 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Interactive Reaction and Discussion 7:50 pm - 8:50 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Wrap up Day 2 8:50 pm - 9:00 pm UTC, October 28, 2015
Day 2 Review, Day 3 Overview 5:00 pm - 5:10 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Barriers to and Facilitators of the Use of Evidence by Policymakers 5:10 pm - 6:10 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Break 6:10 pm - 6:25 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Linguistic and Conceptual Barriers that Hamper Effective Communication with Policymakers 6:25 pm - 7:25 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Break 7:25 pm - 7:45 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Interactive Reaction and Discussion 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm UTC, October 30, 2015
Wrap up and Adjourn 8:45 pm - 9:00 pm UTC, October 30, 2015

Allison Todd, RIC

Chantal Camden, Sherbrooke University

Deeza-Mae Smith, AIR

Dwayne Norris, AIR

Jennifer Flagg, KT4TT

Jim Leahy, KT4TT

Joe Lane, KT4TT

John Tschida, NIDILRR

Kathryn Oliver, University College London

Keiko Shikako-Thomas, McGill University

Melanie Barwick, The Hospital for Sick Children

Pimjai Sudsawad, NIDILRR

Tiffany Brewer, AIR


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