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25 Years of ADA – Success and Failure

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT, August 05, 2015   |   Organized by: United Spinal Association


Date/Time: Wednesday, Aug 5, 2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT

Description: This webinar will provide the history of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) successes with regard to transportation, access to the built environment, and community living will be discussed. 

ADA failures including Supreme Court interpretations of the Act and ADA’s effect on the employment of people with disabilities will also be considered. 

Participants will be able to question the presenter, James Weisman, United Spinal’s President & CEO, who participated in the drafting and lobbying effort and has 25 years of implementation and enforcement experience. 

Audience: Anyone interested in disability and the history of ADA 

Presenter: James Weisman, President & CEO, United Spinal Association 

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