Jonathan Martinis
Jonathan Martinis, is the Senior Director for Law and Policy, Burton Blatt Institute and the Project Director, National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making will discuss the relationship between guardianship and the ADA. He has over 20 years’ experience representing people with disabilities in cases under the Americans with Disabilities Act, The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Social Security Act and other civil rights laws. In 2013, he represented Margaret "Jenny" Hatch in the "Justice for Jenny" case, which held that Ms. Hatch has a right to use Supported Decision-Making instead of being subjected to a permanent, plenary guardianship. He also represented the plaintiffs in Brinn, et al. v. Tidewater Regional Transportation District, the first case to hold that people with disabilities have a right to paratransit transportation on a next-day basis, and Winborne, et al. v. Virginia Lottery, which held that the Lottery must ensure that premises selling Lottery tickets, including private businesses, are accessible to people with disabilities.