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Alabama Disabilty Conference

March 05-07, 2018   |   Organized by: Alabama Disabilty Conference


The Alabama Disability Conference brings together hundreds of individuals with disabilities, family members and professionals to share best practices, provide training and inspire innovation and networking among attendees.This year will be focused on NAVIGATING resources and we need YOUR help! 

The continued success of this annual event depends on generous sponsorships and donations from committed businesses, organizations, and other supporters.


Self-advocates, family members, caregivers, educators, lawmakers, direct support staff and others are invited to attend the conference to learn more about resources, trends, and future plans for the ID/DD community. 

  • Full Conference - Early Bird Rate $200.00  Includes all three days and all events

  • Full Conference - Regular Rate $260.00 (Beginning February 1) Includes all three days and all events plus a conference t-shirt

  • Full Conference Self-Advocate or Family Member of Self-Advocate $185.00

  • Tuesday Only - Early Bird Rate $165.00  Includes Tuesday only sessions, Awards Luncheon, Legislative Reception, and admittance into the Tuesday night dance

  • Tuesday Only - Regular Rate $190.00  (Beginning February 1)  Includes Tuesday only sessions, Awards Luncheon, Legislative Reception, and admittance into the Tuesday night dance

  • Monday Conference Kickoff Dinner Only $50.00

  • Tuesday Awards Luncheon Only $40.00

    Off-Line Registration: The checkout process at our registration page allows you to indicate an off-line registration, either payment in advance by check or use of purchase order to pay for tickets. Mailing instructions are provided when you indicate your preference.

    SPONSORSHIPS:  The Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities (ACDD) is pleased to sponsor the registration of some self-advocates, family and/or caregivers to attend the 2018 Alabama disABILITY Conference!!  Funds are limited and applications will be processed until funds are depleted.  Application are processed on a first come, first serve basis. The Council encourages all applicants to include an email address when submitting their registration forms to help expedite the transmittal of all information for the conference.  Deadline to submit applications is February 5, 2018. You can email your registration application to: or mail it to Sophia Wright-Dixon, ACDD, 100 N. Union Street, Ste. 498, Montgomery, AL  36130 or Fax to 334/242-0797.  Click HERE for a copy of the application.

    Accessible rooms are limited at the Renaissance.  Additional accessible rooms are available across the street from the main venue at Embassy Suites Hotel Montgomery-Conference Center.
    The group booking link is below Simply copy and paste the URL below into your browser to access the exclusive rates available for this group:

    Booking Link: http://group.embassysuites.com/alabamadisabilityconference

    Hotel: Embassy Suites Hotel Montgomery-Conference Center
    Group Name: Alabama Disability Conference
    Arrival Date: 3-March 2018  Departure Date: 7-March 2018

Event Time
Exhibitor/Market Place set-up 5:00 am - 6:00 am PST, March 05, 2018
Registration 7:00 am - 2:00 pm PST, March 05, 2018
Opening Keynote: addresses by Commissioners Beshear and Burdeshaw 10:00 am - 11:30 am PST, March 05, 2018
Breakout Sessions 11:45 am - 12:45 pm PST, March 05, 2018
Breakout Sessions 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST, March 05, 2018
Dinner, with entertainment from "Sounds of Joy"/Movie Time: "Learning to Drive" 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm PST, March 05, 2018
Breakfast 4:30 am - 5:30 am PST, March 06, 2018
Exhibits/Marketplace 5:00 am - 6:00 am PST, March 06, 2018
General Session: Connecting People to Careers - Jonathan Lucas 5:30 am - 6:30 am PST, March 06, 2018
Break 6:30 am - 6:45 am PST, March 06, 2018
Breakout sessions 6:45 am - 7:45 am PST, March 06, 2018
QDDP Training 6:45 am - 2:00 pm PST, March 06, 2018
Break 7:45 am - 8:00 am PST, March 06, 2018
Breakout sessions 8:00 am - 9:00 am PST, March 06, 2018
Lunch and keynote address: Fitzgerald Washington, Secretary, Alabama Department of Labor 9:15 am - 10:30 am PST, March 06, 2018
Breakout sessions 10:45 am - 11:45 am PST, March 06, 2018
Break 11:45 am - 12:00 pm PST, March 06, 2018
Breakout sessions 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST, March 06, 2018
Breakout sessions 12:15 pm - 2:00 pm PST, March 06, 2018
Dance Party with DJ 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm PST, March 06, 2018
Brunch, closing keynote address: Living a Full Life With a Disability - Thomas Moon 6:30 am - 8:30 am PST, March 07, 2018

Lynn T. Beshear

Lynn T. Beshear was appointed commissioner of the Alabama Department of Mental Health on July 10, 2017. She began her career as a staff nurse in the Intensive Care Nursery at Duke University Medical Center, and after moving to Montgomery in 1978, Commissioner Beshear’s focus turned to making a difference in the lives of the citizens of central Alabama. She has served on the boards of directors of several groups and councils, including the Montgomery Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and the Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, both of which she co-founded. Commissioner Beshear served from October 2000 through July 2017 in Envision 2020, a community-driven strategic planning effort involving citizens and leaders in the central Alabama counties, designed to develop 25 shared goals related to the quality of life through the use of active partnerships to overcome challenges and increase opportunities. She served in that role until which time she was appointed by Governor Kay Ivey as the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Mental Health.

Jane Burdeshaw

Advocacy and Legislative Training

Appointed to her position as commissioner of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services in 2016 by then governor Robert Bentley, Burdeshaw has nearly two decades of service with the department. In addition to her role as director of HRD, she has served as the department’s staff development and training coordinator, as a vocational rehabilitation counselor helping students transition from school to work, and as a SAIL case manager serving persons with the most significant disabilities.

Fitzgerald Washington

Fitzgerald Washington has served as Secretary of the Alabama Department of Labor since 2014. Washington currently serves on the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) Board of Directors representing Region IV and is a member of the National Association of Government Labor Officials (NAGLO). He is a member of the Alabama Workforce Council, the Alabama Small Business Commission, the State Workforce Development Board and the Alabama Bicentennial 200 Commission. Prior to his appointment as the Secretary of the Alabama Department of Labor, Washington worked for The Buffalo Rock Company for 15 years, serving as Corporate Marketing and Sales Director handling the company’s multicultural marketing initiatives before being promoted to General Sales Manager in 2002. He has served as a past Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama, where he helped create the Minority Business Council to foster growth and competitiveness of minority-owned businesses in West Alabama. Other community involvement includes the Druid City Business League, Black Warrior Council Board, BB&T Bank Advisory Board, Board of Visitors for the University of Alabama College of Continuing Studies, and DCH Health Systems Foundation Board of Directors.

Nancy Anderson

Connie Batiste

Gaines Brake

Shannon A. Bridges

Carol Bush

Mary Jane Dasher

Reese Grantham

Tim Green

Lakeisha Hardy

Doris Hill

Mike Horshok

Jo Ann Johnson

Jonathan Lucas

Joseph Macbeth

Anna McConnell

Ashley Prater

Eric Peebles

Barry Pollack

Betsy Prince

Grayson Knight-Schemer

Katie Turner

Jeffery E. Williams

Lonnie Williams

Registration Dates

Feb 01 - Mar 07, 2018


Renaissance Montgomery Hotel and Spa - Convention Center

201 Tallapoosa Street

Montgomery, AL US

Google map of address


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