Jody Schimmel Hyde, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher
Jody Schimmel Hyde's primary research interest is in policies to promote independence and self-sufficiency among individuals with disabilities, with a special interest in older adults and the transition to retirement. Her work covers policies related to employment and health care.
Schimmel Hyde has extensive experience conducting quantitative analyses using administrative data from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration, as well as using survey data from the Health and Retirement Study. She is currently directing multiple research studies through SSA's Disability Research Consortium (DRC), including an analysis of return-to-work activity among federal disability beneficiaries, income and poverty of disability beneficiaries, and the well-being and employment of older workers with disabling conditions. In addition, she leads Mathematica's training activities under the DRC, including the summer fellowship program in disability policy research. She also directs Mathematica's research activities under the Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation and Research Training Center. In the past, she has conducted studies related to the role of obesity in federal disability determinations, the impact of Affordable Cart Act Medicaid expansions on disability program applications, SSA's Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Planning and Assistance programs, the Medicaid Buy-In, and Medicaid Infrastructure Grants.
Schimmel Hyde holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.