CASI 2016 Fall Workshop CASp Report Writing and Techniques - Southern California
October 21, 2016 | Organized by: Certified Access Specialist Institute (CASI)
A variety of local CASI members will host an informative workshop focusing on CASp Reports and CRASCA regulations. A detailed look at report requirements, core components, formatting options, and more will be explored. The workshop will include examples of reports from several CASI members including CalCasp, Evan Terry Associates, and others.
Attendees will learn:
1. An understanding of the minimum requirements for a CRASCA compliant CASp Report.
2. Common report components including 'Tips & Tricks' used by report writers.
3. Various report formats, available products, and other options.
4. Minimum professional standards and conduct for certified CASps
Additionally, for our CASI Afternoon Lunch Event; join us with our long time CASI member Steve Twist, on hiking and trails in the eyes of the disabled with a real life adventure in mountain climbing!
Speakers will vary by location.
Earn 2.5 Hours of Continuing Education Credits for CASp Certification Renewal (to be self-reported).