Stoyan Bumbalov
Stoyan Bumbalov joined the California Housing and Community Development’s State Housing Law (SHL) Program in 2010 and was part of the team responsible for the development and adoption of the California building codes related to residential buildings and structures. He acted as a subject matter expert in projects associated with the California Building Standards Code development and other rulemaking activities and was the SHL Program manager for two years. Stoyan carries 16 years of experience in developing, interpreting, and enforcing building standards in California and in Europe. For the last nine years, he has spent a substantial amount of time with the development and modification of the California Residential Code, California Building Code (CBC), CALGreen, California Electrical Code, California Plumbing Code (CPC), California Mechanical Code, and many emergency regulations. Since 2010, Stoyan has spent a substantial amount of time with the modifications of Chapter 11A; he has been the “go to” person for all interpretations pertaining to issues with housing accessibility. Stoyan is a CASp certified specialist. He also possesses seven International Code Council (ICC) certificates, including Accessibility Plans Examiner.