CESD 19th Annual Southwest Section 504 Conference
November 09-10, 2015   |   Organized by: Council of Educators for Students with Disabilities, Inc.
Date/Time: November 9-10, 2015
Location: Doubletree Hotel, 6505 N. I-35, Austin, TX.
Description: November 8, 2015, Optional Section 504 Pre-Conference: I’m New to §504 Responsibilities... Help! This new half-day event is designed to provide a comfortable foundation in Section 504 for folks recently assigned to new roles as campus/district coordinators, designees or other Section 504 responsibilities. Start here and be better prepared for the Fall Section 504 Conference!
We’re got a great conference planned and hope that you can join us, check out the topics we’ll be addressing:
General Session: A Stroll Through CESD’s §504 Forms—Dave Richards, Attorney at Law, Richards Lindsay & Martín, LLP.
General Session: Section 504 Case Law & ADAAA Legal Update—Jose Martín, Attorney at Law, Richards Lindsay & Martín, LLP.
Bypassing Processing Speed Traffic Jams—Paula Tilker, Education Specialist, ESC IX.
Does the Section 504 Plan have to include THAT?—Dave Richards
Discipline & the Section 504 Student—Jose Martin
Documentation: Nightmare or Best Friend?—Jerry Klekotta, Education Specialist, ESC IV
General Session: Section 504’s NonDiscrimination Duties—Jose Martín
General Session: Section 504 Emerging Issues (including discussion of ADA Effective Communication, Advanced Classes, Twice Exceptional Learners, and Schools of Choice)—Dave Richards
Absences & Truancy—Jose Martín
Section 504 Case Scenarios—Dave Richards
New Texas Law and the Student with Disability—Chris Schulz, Attorney at Law, Schulman, Lopez, Hoffer & Adelstein, LLP.
Q & A Sessions on both days + Door Prizes!
Section 504 Conference Details
- 504 Conference Agenda
Registration for click HERE
Anything else I need to know?
- We’ll provide each conference participant with a notebook packed with great info from all of the sessions. We’ve also scheduled Q&A at the end of each day, and there are many opportunities to ask questions and network.
What about the CESD Section 504 forms?
- The forms are so popular that they now have their own webpage. You can access the CESD Section 504 Forms webpage by clicking here.
Event | Time |
Registration | 10:30 am PST November 08, 2015 |
General Session: Understanding the Law: An Overview of Section 504 | 11:00 am PST November 08, 2015 |
Break | 12:20 pm PST November 08, 2015 |
General Session: Understanding the Job: An Overview of the Role of the Section 504 Coordinator/Designee | 12:40 pm PST November 08, 2015 |
Adjourn | 2:00 pm PST November 08, 2015 |
Registration. Continental Breakfast Provided | 5:30 am PST November 09, 2015 |
General Session: A Stroll Through CESD’s §504 Forms | 6:30 am PST November 09, 2015 |
Break / Announcements and Door Prizes | 7:45 am PST November 09, 2015 |
General Session: Section 504 Case Law & ADAAA Legal Update | 8:15 am PST November 09, 2015 |
Lunch on your own | 9:30 am PST November 09, 2015 |
Concurrent Sessions A (60 minutes, repeated at 2:15) | 11:00 am PST November 09, 2015 |
Break | 12:00 pm PST November 09, 2015 |
Concurrent Sessions A (repeated from 1:00) | 12:15 pm PST November 09, 2015 |
Break | 1:15 pm PST November 09, 2015 |
Q & A Session with Monday speakers | 1:30 pm PST November 09, 2015 |
Adjourn for the day | 2:00 pm PST November 09, 2015 |
Continental Breakfast Provided | 5:30 am PST November 10, 2015 |
General Session: Section 504’s Nondiscrimination Duties | 6:30 am PST November 10, 2015 |
Break | 7:45 am PST November 10, 2015 |
General Session: Section 504 Emerging Issues | 8:00 am PST November 10, 2015 |
Hotel Checkout and Lunch on your own | 9:15 am PST November 10, 2015 |
Concurrent Sessions B (60 minutes, repeated at 2:15) | 11:00 am PST November 10, 2015 |
Break | 12:00 pm PST November 10, 2015 |
Concurrent Sessions B (repeated from 1:00) | 12:15 pm PST November 10, 2015 |
Q & A Session and Final Door Prizes | 1:30 pm PST November 10, 2015 |
Conference Adjourns | 2:00 pm PST November 10, 2015 |