DSA Academy Accessible Public Housing Regulations, Standards and Guidelines - January 2017
January 11, 2017 | Organized by: California Department of General Services (DGS) - Division of the State Architect (DSA)
This one-day course provides an overview of the various Federal and State regulations, standards and guidelines related to accessible public housing. The main focus of the course is Chapter 11B of the California Building Code (CBC).
With the exception of a few key provisions, Chapter 11A (housing) is not covered. For Chapter 11A training, contact the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
For more detailed information, view the Learning Objectives for this class.
Overview of 2010 American with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, Fair Housing Act Guidelines, and Section 504 of the Rehab Act.
Applicability of Federal and State regulations to covered multi-family and single family residences.
Main focus is the scoping and technical sections in Chapter 11B of the CBC.
Requirements for new construction, additions and alterations.
Available reference materials provided by Federal and State Agencies.
Recommended For:
Design Professionals
Local Building Officials
Building Contractors
Facility Managers
Project Inspectors
Other Interested parties
Class Includes:
Professional training materials:
Class binder containing the instructors' presentations, exercises and resource information.
Expanded table of contents for Chapter 11B
Advisory Manual
Visual aids and other class-related materials may also be utilized.
Food and drink is not included.
Continuing Education:
5 AIA / CES Learning Units / HSW Credits
5 CASp Continuing Education Units
3 ACIA Continuing Education Units
.5 ICC Continuing Education Units
Note: To receive Continuing Education Units, you are required to attend the entire class.