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Getting on Track to Employment & Self-Sufficiency: Key Drivers of Inclusive Career Pathways

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST, February 12, 2019   |   Organized by: WINTAC, the LEAD Center and the Southeast ADA Center


Tuesday, February 12, 2019
3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. EST

Cost: Free

Format: Webinar

Where: Online/Web-based

Sponsored By:

WINTAC, the LEAD Center and the Southeast ADA Center


The road to Inclusive Career Pathways can be difficult for stakeholders and workforce professionals to navigate. The destination is achieving Employment and Economic Self-Sufficiency for people with disabilities. Getting there is the tricky part. To guide you on your route, the LEAD Center has created an online tool that contains the questions to ask, the actions to take and the resources and examples that will lead the way.

Join us on February 12 for an Inclusive Career Pathways Community of Practice meeting that will preview the LEAD Center’s new Inclusive Career Pathways Roadmap. LEAD’s Project Director Rebecca Salon will walk attendees through the easy-to-use Roadmap, which draws together a collection of information from multiple states, including strategies collected nationally from Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) projects and LEAD’s work on the Promising Practices in Achieving Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide. This information informs the “drivers” behind the “road signs,” or categories on the road to Inclusive Career Pathways, focused on Capacity Building, Accessibility, Partnerships, Youth and Employer Connections. 

In addition to sharing links to relevant resources related to Inclusive Career Pathways, this interactive meeting and discussion will serve as an opportunity to hear your feedback, comments and questions about the Roadmap.


Deadline to Register - February 11, 2019

To register for the meeting on February 12, 2019, from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, go to https://zoom.us/meeting/register/f6ba326ae92982d7cde7dc3c8da9331e

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email that contains information about how to join. 

This meeting is brought to you by the joint Technical Assistance Team of WINTAC, the LEAD Center and the Southeast ADA Center, as part of the Career Pathways Community of Practice (CoP). Membership in the CoP is not required for attendance, although we always welcome new members. Sign up at http://www.wintac.org/user/register


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