Lessons Learned: Common Errors in the Design and Construction of Accessible Lodging Facilities
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EDT, August 16, 2016 | Organized by: Great Lakes ADA Center
Lessons Learned: Common Errors in the Design and Construction of Accessible Lodging Facilities
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
2:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. EST
Cost: Free
Where: Online/Web-based
Sponsored By: Great Lakes ADA Center, a member of the ADA National Network
Description: While design and construction professionals strive to comply with the ADA Standards, design and/or construction mistakes often result in new or altered buildings with ADA violations. This presentation provides examples of common ADA design and construction errors made in lodging facilities including parking, exterior routes, common areas, dining areas, restrooms, guestrooms and recreation areas. These examples are based on many years of experience providing plan and construction reviews for the hospitality industry.
Speaker: Douglas Anderson, CASp, R.A.S., Partner, LCM Architects
Registration: Deadline to Register - August 15, 2016
To register for this webinar, go to http://www.accessibilityonline.org/ADA-Audio/schedule
Continuing Education Recognition available: Certificate of Attendance (Free); AIA CES (free): 1.5 Learning Units
Contact For More Information:
Great Lakes ADA Center
Phone: 877-232-1990 (toll free) or 312-413-1407 (v/tty)
Email: adaconferences@adagreatlakes.org
Fax: 312-413-1856
Web: Accessibility Online
Registration Dates
Jul 01 - Aug 16, 2016