National ADA Symposium 2017 - Chicago, IL
May 14-17, 2017   |   Organized by: ADA National Network
Registration is now open!
The National ADA Symposium is an annual conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act. This four-day event features 72 breakout sessions, pre-conference, keynote, welcome reception and exhibits.
Designed For:
ADA Coordinators
Business Community
Code Officials
Government Officials
Human Resource Specialists
Individuals with Disabilities
Family members
Service Providers
The National ADA Symposium is a project of the ADA National Network which is comprised of ten regional centers that provide information, training, and materials on the Americans with Disabilities Act. The conference, held annually for the past 20 years, has earned the reputation as the most comprehensive training event available on the ADA and disability related laws. The 2016 National ADA Symposium will be co-hosted by the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain ADA Centers.
The National ADA Symposium is designed to provide the latest information on ADA regulations and guidelines, implementation strategies, and best practices through dynamic, interactive sessions.
Our goal is to make sure participants get useful information that is applicable to their work and daily lives. Over 95% of prior Symposium attendees surveyed reported they learned something that they could use on the job and in their communities.
Wide Variety of Break-out Sessions
Participants create a customized schedule by selecting sessions that meet their specific needs and interests from a wide variety of topics.
Nationally recognized presenters representing key agencies and organizations involved with the ADA.
Representatives from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, EEOC, and the U.S. Access Board provide the latest information and insights on the ADA from their agencies. Symposium presenters are experts in their field and experienced trainers. The 2016 Symposium also features sessions provided by the International Code Council.
Opportunities for networking.
The ADA Symposium brings together the many different groups that are affected by the ADA in their work and daily lives to network, problem solve, and share solutions. The structure of the ADA Symposium emphasis interaction and networking, and provides opportunities to address individual questions. Past attendees agree! Evaluations consistently rate the opportunity to learn from other participants as one the most valuable experiences gained by attending a National ADA Symposium.
On-line access to all session hand-outs
Participants are able to download materials for all sessions (including sessions outside of their registration schedule) prior to attending the ADA Symposium and for up to two months after the conference. Alternate formats of resource materials are available upon request.