Section 508 Best Practices Webinar: Accessible Content Shared Through Social Media (March 26)
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT, March 26, 2019   |   Organized by: U.S. Access Board
The use of social media by federal agencies has become widespread across the federal government. Agencies use social media to promote their mission and to engage members of the public. This webinar will cover how federal agencies can implement social media in an accessible manner. Representatives from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will share their experiences in ensuring access to various social media sites and platforms. NIH maintains over 60 Facebook pages, 40 YouTube channels, 13 Flickr pages, and numerous Twitter accounts.
The presenters will provide an overview of social media techniques, address common questions, review access issues and solutions, and offer best practices and techniques for making content accessible on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube. They will also cover internal guidance that NIH has developed and other resources on the subject that are available.
Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. This session is intended for those involved in generating social media content for government agencies as well as other entities.
Jennifer Dorsey Social Media Coordinator, NIH National Cancer Institute
Gary Morin Program Analyst, NIH Office of the Chief Information Officer
Session Questions
This session is accepting questions from registered users. After you have registered to participate in this session you can submit your questions on your Account Manager page. Please note: the number of questions will be limited and submissions will be closed well before the session starts to provide time to prepare answers.