Mobile Accessibility on the Move
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Time: 11:00 a.m. Eastern (UTC – 4 hours)
Length: 1.5 hours
Fee: $59 for members; $119 for nonmembers
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Speaker: Kathy Wahlbin, CEO, Interactive Accessibility
Target Audience: Everyone
Skill Level: Beginner
Overview: Mobile has dramatically changed the way that people with disabilities consume information and interact with content. From games to academic papers, people with disabilities are finding that their mobile devices – phones, tablets and wearable technologies – are making it easier to participate.
Everyone has a role to play in ensuring mobile accessibility – from determining the level of accessibility support to using the success criteria and techniques and verifying accessibility. One of the challenges of this mobile revolution is the change in strategies that organizations must employ to be successful. The days of building a mobile website as a downsized version of the desktop website are long gone. Just as "Mobile First" philosophy has changed the way we design mobile content, organizations must adjust the way they think about mobile accessibility.
This presentation will discuss how managers, designers, user experience, developers and testers can make mobile content more accessible.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
1. Define what is mobile accessibility.
2. Identify the accessibility standards that need to be followed for mobile accessibility.
3. Learn strategies for ensuring mobile accessibility within an organization.