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(1) Your primary Web site must conform to all Success Criteria and all Conformance Requirements from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation 11 December 2008, Web site Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 for Level AA as follows:

(i) Web pages associated with obtaining the following core air travel services and information that are offered on your primary Web site are conformant by December 12, 2015:

(A) Booking or changing a reservation, including all flight amenities;

(B) Checking in for a flight;

(C) Accessing a personal travel itinerary;

(D) Accessing the status of a flight;

(E) Accessing a personal frequent flyer account;

(F) Accessing flight schedules; and

(G) Accessing carrier contact information.

(ii) All remaining Web pages on your primary Web site are conformant by December 12, 2016.


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