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Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and all or part of this information may only apply to Safe Harbored elements.

(c) Elevators:

(i) If safety door edges are provided in existing automatic elevators, automatic door reopening devices may be omitted (see 4.10.6).

(ii) Where existing shaft configuration or technical infeasibility prohibits strict compliance with 4.10.9, the minimum car plan dimensions may be reduced by the minimum amount necessary, but in no case shall the inside car area be smaller than 48 in by 48 in.

(iii) Equivalent facilitation may be provided with an elevator car of different dimensions when usability can be demonstrated and when all other elements required to be accessible comply with the applicable provisions of 4.10. For example, an elevator of 47 in by 69 in (1195 mm by 1755 mm) with a door opening on the narrow dimension, could accommodate the standard wheelchair clearances shown in Figure 4.

Clear floor space shown to be 30 by 48 inches minimum.

Fig. 4 Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs

Plan diagram showing minimum clear floor space for forward approach

Fig. 4 Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs

Plan diagram showing minimum clear floor space for parallel approach

Fig. 4 Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs

For a front approach, where the depth of the alcove is equal to or less than 24 inches (610 mm), the required clear floor space is 30 inches by 48 inches (760 mm by 1220 mm).  For a side approach, where the depth of the alcove is equal to or less than 15 inches (380 mm), the required clear floor space is 30 inches by 48 inches (760 mm by 1220 mm).

Fig. 4 Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs

For a front approach, if the depth of the alcove is greater than 24 inches (610 mm), then in addition to the 30 inch (760 mm) width, a maneuvering clearance of 6 inches (150 mm) in width is required.  For a side approach, where the depth of the alcove is greater than 15 inches (380 mm), then in addition to the 48 inch (1220 mm) length, an additional maneuvering clearance of 12 inches in length (305 mm) is required.

Fig. 4 Minimum Clear Floor Space for Wheelchairs


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