4.10.4 Hall Lanterns.
A visible and audible signal shall be provided at each hoistway entrance to indicate which car is answering a call. Audible signals shall sound once for the up direction and twice for the down direction or shall have verbal annunciators that say “up” or “down.” Visible signals shall have the following features:
(1) Hall lantern fixtures shall be mounted so that their centerline is at least 72 in (1830 mm) above the lobby floor. (See Fig. 20.)
Fig. 20 Hoistway and Elevator Entrances
(2) Visual elements shall be at least 2‒1/2 in (64 mm) in the smallest dimension.
(3) Signals shall be visible from the vicinity of the hall call button (see Fig. 20). In-car lanterns located in cars, visible from the vicinity of hall call buttons, and conforming to the above requirements, shall be acceptable.
Fig. 20 Hoistway and Elevator Entrances
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