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2010 California Standards for Accessible Design (excerpts relating to Safe Harbors only)

Note: Portions of this document or referenced document qualify for 2013 CBC Section 11B-202.4, Exception 2, and all or part of this information may only apply to California “Safe Harbored” elements addressed in that Exception.

ETA Editor's Note

The 2010 CBC excerpt and Figure below are consistent with 1991 ADAAG 4.16.6 and Figure 29(b).  They predate the 2010 CBC Supplement dated August 1, 2012, which was issued to resolve significant differences and/or conflicts between 2010 CBC and 2010 ADAS.



1115B.8 Accessories.

1115B.8.4 Toilet tissue dispensers.  Toilet tissue dispensers shall be located on the wall within 12 inches (305 mm) of the front edge of the toilet seat, mounted below the grab bar, at a minimum height of 19 inches (485 mm), and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum to the far edge from the rear wall. Dispensers that control delivery or that do not permit continuous paper flow shall not be used. See Figure 11B-1A.

Single-accommodation toilet facility plan diagram with dimensional requirements for: pull-side door maneuvering clearance, door clear width, turning space, water closet clear floor space, grab bar position, water closet centerline location to side wall, location of flush activator, and lavatory centerline location to side wall. Rear wall elevation showing requirements for water closet centerline to side wall, grab bar height, grab bar length, and grab bar position.   Side wall elevation showing requirements for water closet seat height, grab bar height, side grab bar length and position, toilet paper dispenser location from water closet, toilet paper dispenser height and all other dispenser mounting height. Plan diagram showing an accessible water closet compartment with a multiple-accommodation toilet facility. Diagram shows dimensional requirements for: pull-side door maneuvering clearance, door clear width, location of door, compartment size, grab bar position, water closet centerline location to side wall, and location of flush activator.


ETA Editor's Note

Select portions of the 2010 California Building Code (2010 CBC) are provided for reference only. If you would like to see the 2010 CBC in its entirety, it is available for purchase from the International Code Council (http://www.iccsafe.org).


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