2010 California Standards for Accessible Design (excerpts relating to Safe Harbors only)
1117B.5 Signs and identification. California's standards for signage are more stringent than Section 4.30 of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
1117B.5.5 Raised characters and pictorial symbol signs. When raised characters are required or when pictorial symbols (pictograms) are used on such signs, they shall conform to the following requirements:
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4. Character placement. Characters and Braille shall be in a horizontal format. Braille shall be placed a minimum of 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) and a maximum of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) directly below the tactile characters; flush left or centered. When tactile text is multilined, all Braille shall be placed together below all lines of tactile text.
ETA Editor's Note
Select portions of the 2010 California Building Code (2010 CBC) are provided for reference only. If you would like to see the 2010 CBC in its entirety, it is available for purchase from the International Code Council (http://www.iccsafe.org).
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