216.6 Entrances.
Where not all entrances comply with 404, entrances complying with 404 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7.2.1. Directional signs complying with 703.5 that indicate the location of the nearest entrance complying with 404 shall be provided at entrances that do not comply with 404.
Advisory 216.6 Entrances. Where a directional sign is required, it should be located to minimize backtracking. In some cases, this could mean locating a sign at the beginning of a route, not just at the inaccessible entrances to a building.
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216.6 Entrances. Where not all entrances comply with 404, entrances complying with 404 shall be identified by the...
June 30, 2022 at 8:06PM
By James L. Terry - 6 views, 0 replies