704 Telephones
704.1 General.
Public telephones shall comply with 704.
704.2 Wheelchair Accessible Telephones.
Wheelchair accessible telephones shall comply with 704.2.
704.2.1 Clear Floor or Ground Space.
A clear floor or ground space complying with 305 shall be provided. The clear floor or ground space shall not be obstructed by bases, enclosures, or seats.
704.2.1.1 Parallel Approach.
Where a parallel approach is provided, the distance from the edge of the telephone enclosure to the face of the telephone unit shall be 10 inches (255 mm) maximum.
Figure 704.2.1.1 Parallel Approach to Telephone
704.2.1.2 Forward Approach.
Where a forward approach is provided, the distance from the front edge of a counter within the telephone enclosure to the face of the telephone unit shall be 20 inches (510 mm) maximum.
Figure 704.2.1.2 Forward Approach to Telephone
704.2.2 Operable Parts.
Operable parts shall comply with 309. Telephones shall have push-button controls where such service is available.
704.2.3 Telephone Directories.
Telephone directories, where provided, shall be located in accordance with 309.
704.2.4 Cord Length.
The cord from the telephone to the handset shall be 29 inches (735 mm) long minimum.
704.3 Volume Control Telephones.
Public telephones required to have volume controls shall be equipped with a receive volume control that provides a gain adjustable up to 20 dB minimum. For incremental volume control, provide at least one intermediate step of 12 dB of gain minimum. An automatic reset shall be provided.
704.4 TTYs.
TTYs required at a public pay telephone shall be permanently affixed within, or adjacent to, the telephone enclosure. Where an acoustic coupler is used, the telephone cord shall be sufficiently long to allow connection of the TTY and the telephone receiver.
704.4.1 Height.
When in use, the touch surface of TTY keypads shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum above the finish floor.
EXCEPTION: Where seats are provided, TTYs shall not be required to comply with 704.4.1.
Advisory 704.4.1 Height. A telephone with a TTY installed underneath cannot also be a wheelchair accessible telephone because the required 34 inches (865 mm) minimum keypad height can causes the highest operable part of the telephone, usually the coin slot, to exceed the maximum permitted side and forward reach ranges. (See Section 308).
Advisory 704.4.1 Height Exception. While seats are not required at TTYs, reading and typing at a TTY is more suited to sitting than standing. Facilities that often provide seats at TTY's include, but are not limited to, airports and other passenger terminals or stations, courts, art galleries, and convention centers.
704.5 TTY Shelf.
Public pay telephones required to accommodate portable TTYs shall be equipped with a shelf and an electrical outlet within or adjacent to the telephone enclosure. The telephone handset shall be capable of being placed flush on the surface of the shelf. The shelf shall be capable of accommodating a TTY and shall have 6 inches (150 mm) minimum vertical clearance above the area where the TTY is to be placed.
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