2013 California Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide
11B-208.2.1 Hospital outpatient facilities.
Ten percent of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities, and free-standing buildings providing outpatient clinical services of a hospital, shall comply with Section 11B-502.
[2010 ADAS] 208.2.1 Hospital Outpatient Facilities. Ten percent of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities shall comply with 502.
At hospitals or other facilities where parking does not specifically serve an outpatient unit, only a portion of the lot would need to comply with the 10% scoping requirement. A local zoning code that requires a minimum number of parking spaces according to occupancy type and square footage may be an appropriate guide in assessing the number of spaces in the lot that "belong" to the outpatient unit. These spaces would be held to the 10% requirement while the rest of the lot would be subject to the general scoping requirement in the table. Those accessible spaces required for the outpatient unit should be located at the accessible entrance serving the unit. This method may also be used in applying the 20% requirement to hospitals or other facilities where only a portion or unit provides specialized rehabilitation or physical therapy treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments.◼
ETA Editor's Note
The ADA requirements and Advisory included at Subsection 11B-208.2.1 are provided for information only. Since the CBC requirements include free-standing buildings providing outpatient clinical services of a hospital, the 2013 CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive. However, the meaning of this inclusion appears likely to be debated, prompting DSA-AC and/or OSHPD to provide further guidance.
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