2013 California Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide
11B-409.4.7 Emergency communications.
Emergency two-way communication systems shall comply with Section 11B-409.4.7.
11B-409.4.7.1 Type.
A telephone and emergency signal device shall be provided in the car.
11B-409.4.7.2 Operable parts.
The telephone and emergency signaling device shall comply with Sections 11B-309.3 _|Operable Parts; Height|_ and 11B-309.4 _|Operation|_.
11B-409.4.7.3 Compartment.
If the telephone or device is in a closed compartment, the compartment door hardware shall comply with Section 11B-309 _|Operable Parts|_.
11B-409.4.7.4 Cord.
The telephone cord shall be 29 inches (737 mm) long minimum.
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