If any part of the accessible route - exterior or interior - has a slope greater than 1:20, it is considered a ramp and must meet the requirements for ramps. (See Part 2 of this document for tips on measuring running slopes and cross slopes.) If any part of the accessible route contains steps, it must be ramped. Even one short step at an entrance or in a hallway can prevent access by a person using a wheelchair, walker, or cane and can make entry difficult for many people who have other mobility disabilities. Interior and exterior ramps must not be too steep and must have a level landing at the bottom and top, and where the ramp changes direction. They must meet the ADA's requirements regarding slope, width, landings, handrails, and edge protection. Ramps with a rise greater than six inches must have handrails and if there are vertical drop offs on the sides, there must be edge protection.
In the past, at some polling places where one or more steps were present, officials or other voters have carried people using wheelchairs up the steps. This practice is not only dangerous for the person being carried, but also for those lifting the wheelchair. It is also degrading to the person using a wheelchair and does not provide independent access. Carrying should never be used as an alternative to providing an accessible way to enter a polling place (or other facility).
A portable ramp with edge protection and handrails is placed over stairs to provide an accessible route on Election Day.
Ramp requirements are in Section G of the 2016 Checklist found in Part 3 of this document.
Problem One: There is a six inch high step on the accessible route that has a ramp that is only three feet long, making the ramp too steep and, therefore, inaccessible.
Solution: Alter the route to avoid the steep ramp or place a temporary ramp that is at least six feet long over the short ramp.
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