Temporary Remedies
Many accessibility barriers at polling places can be removed with temporary remedies. Although not designed to be permanent solutions, the following tools can be used to provide remedies on Election Day to improve accessibility. These tools can often be found in local hardware and home improvement stores or online at minimal cost.
Traffic Cones
Traffic cones can be used to mark parking spaces, access aisles and passenger loading zones, to hold parking signs, and to warn of protruding objects.
Parking Signs
Accessible parking signs should be used to designate accessible parking locations.
Van Parking Sign
Van accessible parking signs should be used to designate van accessible parking locations.
Directional Signs
Directional signage should be used to show direction to the accessible route, accessible entrance, and voting area.
Portable ramp - step 6 inches or less
Portable ramps without handrails can only be used for heights six inches or less and can provide access at a curb or low step. Portable ramps also can be placed flat to cover holes or gaps in a sidewalk.
Portable ramp - greater than six inch step
Portable ramps with handrails must be used for heights greater than six inches to provide access over steps. For ramps greater than six inches high, temporary edge protection such as a pipe or piece of wood can be attached with ties or twine to the edges of the ramp. Edge protection must run the entire length of the ramp.
Wedges can provide access at thresholds and slight changes in level.
Door stop
Door stops can be used to prop open a door if the door handle is inaccessible, or if there is an inadequate maneuvering clearance for a person using a wheelchair or other mobility device to open the door.
Remove post (increase clear width at double leaf doors)
Remove center post between doors if the post is bolted to the door frame to provide a 32 inch clear opening or to allow double doors to be propped open.
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