2016 California Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide - Eff. Jan. 1, 2017
11B-406.1 General.
Curb ramps, blended transitions and islands on accessible routes shall comply with Section 11B-406. Curb ramps may be perpendicular, parallel, or a combination of perpendicular and parallel.
[2010 ADAS] 406.1 General. Curb ramps on accessible routes shall comply with 406, 405.2 through 405.5, and 405.10.
11B-406.1.1 Perpendicular curb ramps.
Perpendicular curb ramps shall comply with Section 11B-406.2.
11B-406.1.2 Parallel curb ramps.
Parallel curb ramps shall comply with Section 11B-406.3.
11B-406.1.3 Blended transitions.
Blended transitions shall comply with Section 11B-406.4.
11B-406.1.4 Islands.
Islands shall comply with Section 11B-406.6.
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