2019 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2020 with July 1, 2021 amendments)
11B-411.2.1.2 Required features.
Hall call consoles shall include a touch screen or keypad with display screen, an accessibility function button, and audio output loudspeaker.
11B-411. Keypads.
Keypads shall be in a 12-key ascending telephone keypad layout. Characters and symbols shall be centered on the corresponding button. The number five key shall have a single raised dot. The dot shall have a base diameter of 0.118 inch (3 mm) minimum and 0.120 inch (3.05 mm) maximum and a height of 0.025 inch (0.6 mm) minimum and 0.037 inch (0.9 mm) maximum. Keypads shall have a star («) on the lower left button and a minus sign (-) on the lower right button. From any level above and below the main egress level, when the star button is pressed an elevator shall be dispatched to the main egress level.
11B-411. Touch screen.
Touch screen display shall comply with Section 11B-411.
11B-411. Accessibility function button.
The accessibility function button shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility and a raised indication. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall comply with Section 11B-703.7.2.1, and shall be 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) minimum in height. The indication shall be three raised dots. Each dot shall have a base diameter of 0.059 inch (1.5 mm) minimum and 0.063 inch (1.6 mm) maximum and a height of 0.025 inch (0.6 mm) minimum and 0.037 inch (0.9 mm) maximum. The dots shall be spaced ¼ inch (6.4 mm), measured center to center, in the form of an equilateral triangle with a vertex pointing up. The accessibility function button shall not be provided with a key repeat function.
Visual and Raised Information
Visual and Raised Information
11B-411. Display screen.
Upon activation of the accessibility function button, the display screen shall display information including but not limited to, operating instructions, user input confirmation, elevator assignment characters, direction to the assigned elevator, and error messages. The display screen shall comply with Section 11B-411.
11B-411. Contrast.
Display screens shall provide contrast with light characters and symbols on a dark background or dark characters and symbols on a light background. The background shall be solid and static.
11B-411. Size.
Elevator assignment characters shall be 1 inch high (25 mm) minimum.
11B-411. Duration.
Elevator assignment characters shall be displayed for a minimum of 5 seconds.
11B-411. Audio output.
Upon activation of the accessibility function button, the audio output shall provide verbal announcements, including but not limited to, operating instructions, user input confirmation, announcement of the elevator assignment characters, direction to the assigned elevator, and error messages. Audio output shall be recorded or digitized human speech, and shall be delivered through a loudspeaker. Auditory volume shall be at least 10 dB above ambient sound level, but shall not exceed 80 dB, measured 36 inches (914 mm) in front of the console. At hall call console locations where the ambient sound level varies, auditory volume shall be maintained at the required volume by an automatic gain control or shall be set at not less than 75 dB.
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