2019 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2020 with July 1, 2021 amendments)
11B-809.9 Kitchens.
Kitchens shall be on an accessible route and shall comply with this section.
11B-809.9.1 Clear floor space.
Clear floor spaces 30 inches (762 mm) by 48 inches (1219 mm), with centerlines aligned with the centerline of the work surface, appliance, sink or fixture, shall be provided in the following locations:
For a parallel approach at the range.
For parallel or forward approach at a cooktop.
For a parallel or forward approach to the sink and to the work surface required by Sections 11B-809.9.3 and 11B-809.9.4.
For a parallel or forward approach to all other fixtures or appliances.
11B-809.9.2 Clear width.
Kitchens shall have a minimum clear width measured between any cabinet, work surface or the face of any appliance (excluding handles and controls) and the opposing cabinet, work surface, appliance or wall as follows:
a. U-shaped kitchens, designed with parallel approach at a sink, range, cooktop or other fixtures and appliances located at the base of the U without knee and toe clearance, shall provide a clear width of 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum.
b. U-shaped kitchens, with a cooktop, sink or work surface located at the base of the U, that provides knee and toe space complying Sections 11B-809.9.3 and 11B-809.9.4 to allow for a forward approach, shall provide a clear width of 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum.
c. All other kitchen designs shall provide a clear width of 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum.
"U" shaped kitchen with parallel approach at range
"U" shaped kitchen with forward approach at sink
other kitchen designs
FIGURE 11B-809.9.2
11B-809.9.3 Removable base cabinets.
Knee and toe space complying with Section 11B-306 shall be provided at sinks and work surfaces required to comply with Section 11B-809.9.4.
Exception: Removable base cabinets shall be permitted under sinks and work surfaces provided that all of the following conditions are met:
a) base cabinets can be removed without the use of specialized tools or knowledge;
b) the finish floor extends under the base cabinet; and
c) the walls behind and surrounding the base cabinets are finished.
11B-809.9.4 Work surfaces.
Work surfaces shall be 36 inches (914 mm) maximum above the finish floor with minimum lengths at the following locations as required by this section:
Linear length of 30 inches (762 mm) minimum for installation of a sink.
Linear length of 30 inches (762 mm) minimum for work surfaces.
A sink and work surface in a single integral unit 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum in length, is permitted.
11B-809.9.5 Lower shelving.
Lower shelving and/or drawer space shall be provided at a height of 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum above the finish floor.
11B-809.9.6 Controls.
Controls for faucets shall comply with Section 11B-309.1. Hand-operated metering faucets shall remain open for 10 seconds minimum.
11B-809.9.7 Exposed pipes and surfaces.
Exposed water supply and drain pipes under sinks and lavatories shall comply with Section 11B-606.5.
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