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2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)

1.1.8 City, county, or city and county amendments, additions or deletions.

The provisions of this code do not limit the authority of city, county, or city and county governments to establish more restrictive and reasonably necessary differences to the provisions contained in this code pursuant to complying with Section The effective date of amendments, additions or deletions to this code by a city, county, or city and county filed pursuant to Section shall be the date filed. However, in no case shall the amendments, additions or deletions to this code be effective any sooner than the effective date of this code.

Local modifications shall comply with Health and Safety Code Section 18941.5 for Building Standards Law, Health and Safety Code Section 17958 for State Housing Law or Health and Safety Code Section 13869.7 for Fire Protection Districts. Findings and filings.

1. The city, county, or city and county shall make express findings for each amendment, addition or deletion based upon climatic, topographical or geological conditions.

Exception: Hazardous building ordinances and programs mitigating unreinforced masonry buildings.

2. The city, county, or city and county shall file the amendments, additions or deletions expressly marked and identified as to the applicable findings. Cities, counties, cities and counties, and fire departments shall file the amendments, additions or deletions, and the findings with the California Building Standards Commission at 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 130, Sacramento, CA 95833.

3. Findings prepared by fire protection districts shall be ratified by the local city, county or city and county and filed with the California Department of Housing and Community Development, Division of Codes and Standards, P.O. Box 278180, Sacramento, CA 95827 or 9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95826. Locally adopted energy standards - California Energy Code, Part 6.

In addition to the provisions of Section of this part, the provisions of this section shall apply to a city, county, and cities and counties adopting local energy standards applicable to buildings and structures subject to the California Energy Code, Part 6.

Applicable provisions of Public Resources Code Section 25402.1(h)(2) and applicable provisions of Section 10-106, Chapter 10 of California Administrative Code, Part 1 apply to locally adopted energy standards amending the California Energy Code, Part 6.


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