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2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)

1013.4 Raised character and braille exit signs. Tactile exit signs shall be required at the following locations:

1. Each grade-level exterior exit door that is required to comply with Section 1013.1 shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the word, “EXIT.”

2. Each exit door that is required to comply with Section 1013.1, and that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of a stairway or ramp shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the following words as appropriate:

     2.1 “EXIT STAIR DOWN” 

     2.2 “EXIT RAMP DOWN” 

     2.3 “EXIT STAIR UP”

     2.4 “EXIT RAMP UP” 

3. Each exit door that is required to comply with Section 1013.1, and that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of an exit enclosure or an exit passageway shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the words, “EXIT ROUTE.”

4. Each exit access door from an interior room or area to a corridor or hallway that is required to comply with Section 1013.1, shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the words “EXIT ROUTE.”

5. Each exit door through a horizontal exit that is required to comply with Section 1013.1, shall be identified by a sign with the words, “TO EXIT.”

Raised character and Braille exit signs shall comply with Chapter 11A, Section 1143A or Chapter 11B, Sections 11B-703.1, 11B-703.2, 11B-703.3 and 11B-703.5. 


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