2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)
11B-207.1 General.
Means of egress shall comply with Chapter 10, Section 1009 and Section 11B-207.
[2010 ADA Standards] 207.1 General. Means of egress shall comply with section 1003.2.13 of the International Building Code (2000 edition and 2001 Supplement) or section 1007 of the International Building Code (2003 edition) (incorporated by reference, see "Referenced Standards" in Chapter 1).
- Where means of egress are permitted by local building or life safety codes to share a common path of egress travel, accessible means of egress shall be permitted to share a common path of egress travel.
- Areas of refuge shall not be required in detention and correctional facilities.
- Accessible means of egress are not required to be provided in existing buildings.
- Doors that provide access only to interior or exterior stairways shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-404.
- Exits in excess of those required by Chapter 10, and which are more than 24 inches (610 mm) above grade shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-404 or be on an accessible route. Directional signs shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 10, Section 1009.10.
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