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11B-219 Assistive listening systems

11B-219.2 Required systems.

An assistive listening system shall be provided in assembly areas, including conference and meeting rooms.

[2010 ADA Standards] 219.2 Required Systems. In each assembly area where audible communication is integral to the use of the space, an assistive listening system shall be provided.

Exception: This section does not apply to systems used exclusively for paging, background music, or a combination of these two uses.  

[2010 ADA Standards] EXCEPTION: Other than in courtrooms, assistive listening systems shall not be required where audio amplification is not provided.

11B-219.3 Receivers.

The minimum number of receivers to be provided shall be equal to 4 percent of the total number of seats, but in no case less than two. Twenty-five percent minimum of receivers provided, but no fewer than two, shall be hearing-aid compatible in accordance with Section 11B-706.3.

[2010 ADA Standards] 219.3 Receivers. Receivers complying with 706.2 shall be provided for assistive listening systems in each assembly area in accordance with Table 219.3. Twenty-five percent minimum of receivers provided, but no fewer than two, shall be hearing-aid compatible in accordance with 706.3.


  1. Where a building contains more than one assembly area and the assembly areas required to provide assistive listening systems are under one management, the total number of required receivers shall be permitted to be calculated according to the total number of seats in the assembly areas in the building provided that all receivers are usable with all systems.
  2. Where all seats in an assembly area are served by an induction loop assistive listening system, the minimum number of receivers required by Section 11B-219.3 to be hearing-aid compatible shall not be required to be provided.

[2010 ADA Standards] Table 219.3 Receivers for Assistive Listening Systems

Capacity of Seating in Assembly Area

Minimum Number of Required Receivers

Minimum Number of Required Receivers Required to be Hearing-aid Compatible

50 or less



51 to 200

2, plus 1 per 25 seats over 50 seats1


201 to 500

2, plus 1 per 25 seats over 50 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

501 to 1000

20, plus 1 per 33 seats over 500 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

1001 to 2000

35, plus 1 per 50 seats over 1000 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

2001 and over

55 plus 1 per 100 seats over 2000 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

1. Or fraction thereof.

11B-219.4 Location.

If the assistive-listening system provided is limited to specific areas or seats, then such areas or seats shall be within a 50-foot (15240 mm) viewing distance of the stage or playing area and shall have a complete view of the stage or playing area.

DSA icon
Advisory 11B-219.4 Location. Sitting in close proximity to the performing area benefits persons with hearing impairments by allowing them to lip-read and better see the facial expressions of performers. ◼

11B-219.5 Permanent and portable systems.

Permanently installed assistive-listening systems are required in areas if (1) they accommodate at least 50 persons or if they have audio-amplification systems, and (2) they have fixed seating. If portable assistive-listening systems are used for conference or meeting rooms, the system may serve more than one room. An adequate number of electrical outlets or other supplementary wiring necessary to support a portable assistive-listening system shall be provided.

DSA icon
Advisory 11B-219.5 Permanent and portable systems. The California Building Code (CBC) requires permanently installed assistive listening systems in those assembly areas where audible communication is integral to the use of a space (movie theaters, concert and lecture halls, playhouses, meeting rooms, etc.); where fixed seating is provided and where there may be an audio-amplification system. For other assembly areas, such as those without fixed seating, the CBC requires either a permanently installed system or a portable system. If a portable system is provided an adequate number of electrical outlets or other supplementary wiring to support the system is required. While this provision does not necessarily require the addition of electrical outlets, consideration should be given to locating outlets to support dispersion of seating available for individuals using the assistive listening systems. ◼

Assembly Areas With Room Occupancy Under 50 (where audible communication is integral to the use of the space)

Audio-Amplification System Provided?

Fixed Seating Provided?




outlets or wiring



outlets or wiring



permanent system

Assembly Areas With Room Occupancy Over 50 (where audible communication is integral to the use of the space)

Fixed Seating Provided?



permanent system


outlets or wiring

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included at Section 11B-219 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive. The 2010 ADA Standards Exception at Section 219.2 clarifies that, except for courtrooms, the ADA scoping for assistive listening systems is limited to assembly areas where audio amplification is utilized, either permanent or portable, since this type of equipment is necessary to transmit a signal to the receiver (see ASSISTIVE LISTENING SYSTEM definition in Chapter 2). The wording of CBC Section 11B-219.2 and its Exception makes this prerequisite less clear, and therefore the calculation of the required number of receivers may need to be negotiated with the Authority Having Jurisdiction.


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