2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)
11B-410 Platform lifts
11B-410.1 General.
Platform lifts shall comply with ASME A18.1. Platform lifts shall not be attendant-operated and shall provide unassisted entry and exit from the lift.
The ADA and other Federal civil rights laws require that accessible features be maintained in working order so that they are accessible to and usable by those people they are intended to benefit. Building owners are reminded that the ASME A18 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts requires routine maintenance and inspections. Isolated or temporary interruptions in service due to maintenance or repairs may be unavoidable; however, failure to take prompt action to effect repairs could constitute a violation of Federal laws and these requirements. ◼
DSA regulates the usability of elevators and platform (wheelchair) lifts for persons with disabilities. Accessibility scoping requirements for elevators and lifts are located in Sections 11B-206.6 and 11B-206.7; technical requirements are located in Sections 11B-407, 11B-408, 11B-409 and 11B-410. ◼
11B-410.2 Floor surfaces.
Floor surfaces in platform lifts shall comply with Sections 11B-302 and 11B-303.
11B-410.4 Platform to runway clearance.
The clearance between the platform sill and the edge of any runway landing shall be 1¼ inch (32 mm) maximum.
11B-410.5 Operable parts.
Controls for platform lifts shall comply with Section 11B-309.
11B-410.6 Doors and gates.
Platform lifts shall have low-energy power-operated doors or gates complying with Section 11B-404.3. Doors shall remain open for 20 seconds minimum. End doors and gates shall provide a clear width 32 inches (813 mm) minimum. Side doors and gates shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1067 mm) minimum.
Exception: Platform lifts serving two landings maximum and having doors or gates on opposite sides shall be permitted to have self-closing manual doors or gates.
11B-410.7 Landing size.
The minimum size of landings at platform lifts shall be 60 inches by 60 inches (1524 mm by 1524 mm).
ETA Editor's Note
There are no requirements for landing size in 2010 ADA Standards, although the door maneuvering clearance requirements at 404.2.4 should be applicable outside the platform.
11B-410.8 Restriction sign.
A sign complying with Section 11B-703.5 shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each landing and within the platform, enclosure stating “No Freight” and include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section 11B-703.7.2.1.
CCR, Title 8, Section 3094 provides safety regulations for Vertical Platform (Wheelchair) Lifts. This section includes requirements which address platform size and gate configurations for lifts with 90-degree egress, and additionally requires signs posted at the landings as follows:
- International Symbol of Accessibility,
- lift capacity,
- the telephone number to call in case of emergency, and
- the lift shall not be used to transport materials or equipment. ◼
In addition to the accessibility requirements of the building code, Vertical Platform (Wheelchair) Lifts are required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Elevator Code, CCR, Title 8, Section 3142.1, which provides safety regulations for lifts. This section incorporates ASME A18.1-2003, sections 2 and 5 by reference, and requires compliance with CCR, Title 8, Sections 3094.2(d), 3094.2(e), 2094.2(g), and 3094.2(p).
These regulations address technical requirements for lifts, including platform size, gate configurations for lifts with 90-degree egress, and required signage as follows:
- lift capacity, and
- “No Freight” prohibiting the transport of materials or equipment. ◼
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