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Note: This document or portion of document references a state or local requirement that is NOT required by the 2010 ADA Standards.

11B-705.1.2 Locations.

Detectable warnings at the following locations shall comply with Section 11B-705.1.

11B-705.1.2.1 Platform edges.

Detectable warning surfaces at platform boarding edges shall be 24 inches (610 mm) wide and shall extend the full length of the public use areas of the platform.

11B-705.1.2.2 Curb ramps.

Detectable warnings at curb ramps shall comply with Section 11B-705.1.2.2.

11B-705. Perpendicular curb ramps.

Detectable warnings at perpendicular curb ramps shall extend 36 inches (914 mm) in the direction of travel. Detectable warnings shall extend the full width of the ramp run less 2 inches (51 mm) maximum on each side, excluding any flared sides. Detectable warnings shall be located so the edge nearest the curb is 6 inches (152 mm) minimum and 8 inches (203 mm) maximum from the demarcation line at the face of the curb between the curb and the gutter, street or highway.

11B-705. Parallel curb ramps.

Detectable warnings at parallel curb ramps shall be located so the edge nearest the curb is 6 inches (152 mm) minimum and 8 inches (203 mm) maximum from the demarcation line at the face of the curb between the curb and the gutter, street or highway. Detectable warnings shall extend the full width of the turning space at the demarcation between the street and the sidewalk less 2 inches (sic) (51 mm) maximum on each side.

Figure (a) is a drawing of a parallel curb ramp showing the correct placement of the detectable warning when the ramp has two entrance/exit point.
Figure (b) is a drawing of a parallel curb ramp showing the correct placement of the detectable warning when the ramp has one entrance/exit point.

FIGURE 11B-705.


11B-705. One entrance/exit point.

Where the turning space has one entrance/exit point other than the sloped ramp segments, detectable warnings shall be 36 inches (914 mm) deep, as measured perpendicular to the curb, and the turning space shall provide a minimum 36 inches (914 mm) wide portion without detectable warnings to allow pedestrian travel in the direction of the sidewalk without travelling over the detectable warnings.


1. Where it is technically infeasible to provide a minimum 72 inches (1828 mm) wide turning space, as measured perpendicular to the curb, the depth of detectable warnings may be reduced to 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.

2. Existing parallel curb ramps with detectable warnings in compliance with the code requirements in effect at the time of installation shall not be required to provide a minimum 36 inches (914 mm) wide portion of the turning space without detectable warnings.

Line drawing of a parallel curb ramp with one entrance and exit point with detectable warnings featured. The drawing is shown in a cloud bubble to indicate it is a new addition for the most recent code cycle.

FIGURE 11B-705.


11B-705. Two entrance/exit points.

Where the turning space has two entrance/exit points other than the sloped ramp segments, detectable warnings shall be 36 inches (914 mm) deep at both entrance/ exit points, as measured perpendicular to the curb, and the turning space shall provide a minimum 36 inches (914 mm) wide portion without detectable warnings to allow pedestrian travel in the direction of the sidewalk without travelling over the detectable warnings.


1. Where it is technically infeasible to provide a minimum 108 inches (2743 mm) wide turning space, as measured perpendicular to the curb, the depth of detectable warnings may be reduced to 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.

2. Existing parallel curb ramps with detectable warnings in compliance with the code requirements in effect at the time of installation shall not be required to provide a minimum 36 inches (914 mm) wide portion of the turning space without detectable warnings.

Line drawing is shown of a parallel curb ramp with two entrance/exit points with detectable warnings featured. The drawing is shown inside a cloud bubble to indicate it is a new addition for the more recent code cycle.

FIGURE 11B-705.


11B-705.1.2.3 Islands or cut-through medians.

Detectable warnings at pedestrian islands or cut-through medians shall be 36 inches (914 mm) minimum in depth extending the full width of the pedestrian path or cut-through less 2 inches (51 mm) maximum on each side, placed at the edges of the pedestrian island or cut-through median, and shall be separated by 24 inches (610 mm) minimum of walking surface without detectable warnings.

Exception: Detectable warnings shall be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum in depth at pedestrian islands or cut-through medians that are less than 96 inches (2438 mm) in length in the direction of pedestrian travel.

11B-705.1.2.4 Bus stops.

When detectable warnings are provided at bus stop boarding and alighting areas, the detectable warnings shall extend the full width of the boarding/alighting area and shall be 36 inches (914 mm) minimum in depth.

11B-705.1.2.5 Blended transitions.

Detectable warnings at blended transitions shall be 36 inches (914 mm) in width.

11B-705.1.2.6 Reflecting pools.

When detectable warnings are provided at reflecting pools, it shall be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum in width.

11B-705.1.2.7 Track crossings.

Detectable warnings at track crossings shall be 36 inches (914 mm) in the direction of pedestrian travel and extend the full width of the circulation path.


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