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2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)


101.1 Title.

These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of [NAME OF JURISDICTION], hereinafter referred to as “this code.”

101.2 Scope.

The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, relocation, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures.

Exception:  Detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress, and their accessory structures not more than three stories above grade plane in height, shall comply with this code or the California Residential Code.

101.2.1 Appendices.

Provisions in the appendices shall not apply unless specifically adopted.

101.3 Intent.

The purpose of this code is to establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through structural strength, means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, energy conservation, and safety to life and property from fire, explosion and other hazards, and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.

101.4 Referenced codes.

The other codes listed in Sections 101.4.1 through 101.4.7 and referenced elsewhere in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference.

101.4.1 Gas.

The provisions of the California Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation of gas piping from the point of delivery, gas appliances and related accessories as covered in this code. These requirements apply to gas piping systems extending from the point of delivery to the inlet connections of appliances and the installation and operation of residential and commercial gas appliances and related accessories.

101.4.2 Mechanical.

The provisions of the California Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation, alterations, repairs and replacement of mechanical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems, incinerators and other energy-related systems.

101.4.3 Plumbing.

The provisions of the California Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system. The provisions of the California Plumbing Code shall apply to private sewage disposal systems.

101.4.4 Property maintenance.

The provisions of the California Existing Building Code shall apply to existing structures and premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating, sanitation, life and fire safety hazards; responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants; and occupancy of existing premises and structures.

101.4.5 Fire prevention.

The provisions of the California Fire Code shall apply to matters affecting or relating to structures, processes and premises from the hazard of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; from conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and from the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression, automatic sprinkler systems and alarm systems or fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from occupancy or operation.

ETA Editor's Note

Sections from the California Building Code Chapter 1 that are not adopted by the Division of the State Architect - Access Compliance (DSA-AC) have been omitted. To see the entire Chapter, consult California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2 - 2022 California Building Code (2022 CBC), available for purchase from International Code Council (http://www.iccsafe.org). 

101.4.6 Energy.

The provisions of the California Energy Code shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency.

101.4.7 Existing buildings.

The provisions of the California Existing Building Code shall apply to matters governing the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition to and relocation of existing buildings.


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