34 CFR Part 104 Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities - Notice of Interpretation
Title II Regulations
Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities. Public educational institutions that are subject to Education's Section 504 regulations because they receive Federal financial assistance from us are also subject to the Title II regulations because they are public entities (e.g., school districts, State educational agencies, public institutions of vocational education, and public colleges and universities). Pursuant to a delegation by the Attorney General of the United States, Education shares in the enforcement of Title II by virtue of being the designated agency to investigate complaints and seek voluntary compliance under Title II for certain types of public educational entities.[12] Thus, for those entities, Education enforces both Section 504 and Title II, as well as the implementing regulations of both statutes.[13]
12. Education is the designated agency for public elementary and secondary education systems and institutions, institutions of higher education and vocational education (other than schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other health-related schools), and libraries. 28 CFR 35.190(b)(2).
13. DOJ enforces Title III of the ADA and has advised Education that private educational institutions that are subject to Education's Section 504 regulations are in almost all cases also subject to Title III.
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