36 CFR Part 1190, Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
R211 Signs
R211.1 General. Signs shall comply with R211. Where audible sign systems and other technologies are used to provide information equivalent to the information contained on pedestrian signs and transit signs, the signs are not required to comply with R211.2 and R211.3.
R211.2 Pedestrian Signs. Signs, other than transit signs, that provide directions, warnings, or other information for pedestrians only shall comply with R410.
R211.3 Transit Signs. Signs that identify the routes served by transit stops shall comply with R410.
R211.4 Accessible Parking Space and Passenger Loading Zone Signs. Accessible parking spaces and accessible passenger loading zones shall be identified by signs displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with R411. At accessible parallel parking spaces and accessible passenger loading zones, the signs shall be located at the head or foot of the parking space or passenger loading zone.
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