36 CFR Part 1194 - Proposed Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines NPRM - Preamble
407.9 Operation (Section-by-Section Analysis)
This section would require ICT with operable parts to provide at least one mode of operation that is operable with one hand, and prohibits operable parts requiring tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate operable parts would be limited to 5 lbs. (22.2 N) maximum. The proposed requirement closely corresponds to existing 508 Standards §§ 1194.23(k)(2), 1194.25(c), and 1194.26(b), and is consistent with existing 255 Guidelines §§ 1193.41(e) and (f). This section is aimed at addressing the needs of people with manual dexterity impairments when using operable parts.
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