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1011.2.1 Size and Location

This section specifies the size and location of the clear ground space at outdoor constructed features. The size of the clear ground space is based on the dimensions for maneuvering clearance at clear floor or ground spaces that are confined on all or part of three sides in 305.7 of the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines. Outdoor constructed features can be confined on all or part of three sides by surfaces that are not firm and stable or that have changes in level. The dimensions for maneuvering clearance at clear floor or ground spaces that are confined on all or part of three sides in 305.7 of the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines provide additional space for maneuvering into and out of the space: 36 inches minimum by 48 inches minimum for a forward approach, and 30 inches minimum by 60 inches minimum for a parallel approach. At water hydrants, a clear ground space for a forward approach is required on each side of the water hydrant to enable individuals with disabilities to operate the water hydrant from their right side or left side. At rinsing showers, the size of the clear ground space is based on the dimensions for turning space in 304.3.1 of the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines to enable individuals with disabilities to turn in the space.

At picnic tables, fire rings, grills, fireplaces, and woodstoves, a clear ground space is required on all usable sides of the element. The usable sides of these elements are the sides that can be used for eating or serving food, building a fire, or cooking. All sides of picnic tables are generally usable, unless the picnic table is placed against a rock or tree that renders the side against the rock or tree not usable. All sides of fire rings and grills are generally usable, unless there is a wall or other structure on a side that renders the side not usable. The front sides of fireplaces and woodstoves are generally the usable side.


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