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36 CFR Part 1191 ABA Accessibility Guidelines, Outdoor Developed Areas

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F247 Trails

F247.1 General.

Where a trail is designed for use by hikers or pedestrians and directly connects to a trailhead or another trail that substantially meets the requirements in 1017, the trail shall comply with 1017.

Advisory F247.1 General. The Federal Trail Data Standards classify trails by their designed use and managed use. A trail has only one designed use that determines the design, construction, and maintenance parameters for the trail. A trail can have more than one managed use based on a management decision to allow other uses on the trail. Trails that have a designed use for hikers or pedestrians are required to comply with 1017. Trails that have a designed use for other than hikers or pedestrians are not required to comply with 1017.

A trail system may include a series of connecting trails. Only trails that directly connect to a trailhead or another trail that substantially meets the requirements in 1017 are required to comply with 1017.

F247.2 Existing Trails.

Where the original design, function, or purpose of an existing trail is changed and the altered portion of the trail directly connects to a trailhead or another trail that substantially meets the requirements in 1017, the altered portion of the trail shall comply with 1017.

Advisory F247.2 Existing Trails. Routine or periodic maintenance activities that are performed to return an existing trail to the condition to which the trail was originally designed are not required to comply with 1017.

F247.3 Trailheads.

Trailheads shall comply with F247.3.

Advisory F247.3 Trailheads. Trailhead information signs are addressed in F216.13.

F247.3.1 Outdoor Constructed Features.

Where provided within trailheads, at least 20 percent, but not less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature shall comply with 1011.

F247.3.2 Outdoor Recreation Access Routes.

At least one outdoor recreation access route complying with 1016 shall connect the following:

1. Accessible parking spaces or other arrival points serving the trailhead;

2. Starting point of the trail; and

3. Accessible elements, spaces, and facilities provided within the trailhead.

Advisory F247.3.2 Outdoor Recreation Access Routes. In alterations to existing trailheads, there are exceptions in 1016.1 that can be used where conditions specified in 1019 apply.

F247.4 Trail Facilities.

Where provided on trails, facilities shall comply with F247.4.

Advisory F247.4 Trail Facilities. Facilities are required to comply with F247.4 regardless of whether the trail complies with 1017. Outdoor recreation access routes are not required at camping facilities, picnic facilities, or viewing areas provided on trails.

F247.4.1 Camping Facilities.

Camping facilities provided on trails shall comply with F244.2 and F244.3.

F247.4.2 Picnic Facilities.

Picnic facilities provided on trails shall comply with F245.2 and F245.3.

F247.4.3 Viewing Areas.

Viewing areas provided on trails shall comply with F246.2 and F246.3.

F247.4.4 Routes.

Routes that connect trails complying with 1017 to camping facilities, picnic facilities, viewing areas, pit toilets, and accessible elements provided within the facilities shall comply with 1017.

Advisory F247.4.4. Routes. Routes that connect trails that do not comply with 1017 to camping facilities, picnic facilities, viewing areas, pit toilets, and accessible elements provided within the facilities are not required to comply with 1017. An exception to F213.1 exempts pit toilets from the requirements for accessible toilet facilities.

F247.5 Outdoor Constructed Features.

Where outdoor constructed features are provided on trails, other than within facilities specified in F247.4, at least 20 percent, but not less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature at each location shall comply with 1011.


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