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Accessible Information Exchange: Meeting on a Level Playing Field

Temporary Barrier Removal Suggestions for Accessible Features

Feature 1 - Temporary Barrier Removal, Parking and Passenger Drop-Off Areas

table showing barriers and modifications for barrier removal in parking and passenger drop-off areas

Feature 2 - Temporary Barrier Removal for Routes to the Building Entrance

table showing barriers and modifications for routes to a building entrance

Feature 3 - Temporary Barrier Removal for the Building Entrance

table showing barriers and corresponding modifications for building entrances

Feature 4 - Temporary Barrier Removal for Routes to the Meeting Space

table showing barriers and corresponding modifications for routes to a meeting space

Feature 5 - Temporary Barrier Removal for Meeting Space

table showing barriers and corresponding modifications for meeting space

Feature 6 - Temporary Barrier Removal for Restrooms

table showing barriers and corresponding modifications for restrooms


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