O. Bathtubs - Do bathtubs (if provided) in the designated accessible guestrooms, comply with the following:
1. Are the tub faucet controls positioned between the center of the end wall and the open side of the tub so persons with disabilities may approach and adjust the controls before they transfer onto the tub seat to bathe? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8;4.20.2]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
2. Can the faucet controls and shower diverter be turned on and off easily and are they operable and usable with one hand, without tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (i.e.: levers, single arm, etc.)? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.5]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
3. Is there a transfer tub seat (that can be securely attached to the tub) available for persons who may not be able to stand in the tub to bathe? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.3]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
4. Is there an adjustable height hand-held shower wand with at least a 60" long hose provided so persons who bathe from a seated position may wash and rinse with the directional spray? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.6]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
5. Is there a horizontal grab bar at the foot of the tub (by the controls) that is at least 24" long for stabilization while a person with a disability adjusts the water controls - see Figure 34 on page 25? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.4]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
6. Is there a horizontal grab bar at the head of the tub that is at least 12" long for stabilization and aid in transfer from a wheelchair to the fixed tub seat - see Figure 34 on page 25? (Note: in tubs with built-in seats at the head of the tub, this grab bar is not required.) [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.4]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
7. Are there two horizontal grab bars (one high/one low) along the side of the tub that are at least 24" long for stabilization and aid in transfer from a wheelchair to the fixed tub seat - see Figure 34 below? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.4]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
ADA Stds. Figure 34 - Grab Bars at Bathtubs
8. Is the gap between the wall and the inside face of each grab bar exactly 1 1/2" to accommodate persons with disabilities who rest their forearms on the bars for stabilization so the arm cannot accidentally pass between the grab bar and wall especially if a fall occurs? [ADA Stds. 4.23.8; 4.20.4]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
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