C. Are the proper number of the following elements provided for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing in each accessible guestroom/suite, each accessible guestroom/suite required to have a roll-in shower and each additional room for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing required in table 9.1.3: [ADA Stds. 9.3.1]
An electrical outlet within 4' of the telephone jack for TTY use?
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: ________________________________________
Visual notification device for door knocks and phone calls (Cannot be same strobe as the fire alarm strobe unit)?
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
Visual smoke alarm device, if audible smoke alarms are provided in the guestrooms?
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
Visual fire alarm (strobe) linked to building-wide fire alarm system, if such system is provided? (Note: In the guestrooms/suites, this requirement may be satisfied by either a fixed strobe unit hardwired to the building-wide fire alarm system, or by a kit which contains a portable strobe unit that can plug into a 110 volt electrical outlet and is also connected by some means to the building-wide fire alarm system.)
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
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