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ADA Checklist for New Lodging Facilities

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and is still applicable.

C. Are the proper number of the following elements provided for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing in each accessible guestroom/suite, each accessible guestroom/suite required to have a roll-in shower and each additional room for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing required in table 9.1.3: [ADA Stds. 9.3.1]

An electrical outlet within 4' of the telephone jack for TTY use?

Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: ________________________________________

Visual notification device for door knocks and phone calls (Cannot be same strobe as the fire alarm strobe unit)?

Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________

Visual smoke alarm device, if audible smoke alarms are provided in the guestrooms?

Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________

Visual fire alarm (strobe) linked to building-wide fire alarm system, if such system is provided? (Note: In the guestrooms/suites, this requirement may be satisfied by either a fixed strobe unit hardwired to the building-wide fire alarm system, or by a kit which contains a portable strobe unit that can plug into a 110 volt electrical outlet and is also connected by some means to the building-wide fire alarm system.)

Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________


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