J. Regarding maneuvering space around the bed(s) in the accessible guestrooms...
...in accessible guestrooms with one bed, is there at least a 36" wide route on each side of the bed to allow persons who use wheelchairs to transfer onto the bed from either side? [ADA Stds. 9.2.2(1)]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
...in accessible guestrooms with two beds next to one another, is there a minimum of 36" between the two beds to allow persons who use wheelchairs to transfer onto either bed? [ADA Stds. 9.2.2(1)]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
... is there clear passage at the foot of each bed that is at least 36" wide so that persons who use wheelchairs can approach and use the accessible features throughout the room? [ADA Stds. 9.2.2(2)]
Yes __ No __ N/A __ Comments: _____________________________________
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