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2004 ADA Checklist for Polling Places

Note: This checklist was based on the 1991 ADAAG, but has been updated as of 2016 to reflect the 2010 ADA Standards. See updated version here: https://www.corada.com/documents/2016-ada-checklist-for-polling-places/ada-checklist-for-polling-places

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and all or part of this information may only apply to Safe Harbored elements.

Typical Issues

An accessible polling place must have at least one accessible entrance. The accessible entrance must be connected to an accessible route. An accessible entrance must provide at least one accessible door with maneuvering space, accessible door hardware, and enough clear width to allow people who use crutches, a cane, walker, scooter or wheelchair to use it.

illustration showing polling place entrance


1. Accessible entrance to the polling place.

2. Accessible route connecting accessible parking and drop-off area (if provided) to the accessible entrance.

If the accessible entrance is not the main entrance to the polling place, then signs must be located at inaccessible entrances to the polling place to direct voters to the accessible entrance. The accessible entrance must remain open when the polling place is open.

examples of signs with directions to accessible entrance

Examples of signs for inaccessible polling place entrances directing a voter to the accessible entrance.


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