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Note: This checklist was based on the 1991 ADAAG, but has been updated as of 2016 to reflect the 2010 ADA Standards. See updated version here: https://www.corada.com/documents/2016-ada-checklist-for-polling-places/ada-checklist-for-polling-places

E1-7. At each location on the way to the voting area where the accessible route passes
through a door or doors, does at least one door meet the following requirements?

Yes _____ No _____

7a. Is the clear width for the door opening at least 32 inches measured when the door is open 90 degrees? [ADA Stds 4.1.3(7), 4.13.5]

Yes _____ No _____

7b. Is the door hardware (e.g., lever, pull, push, panic bar) usable with one hand, without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist, to allow people who may not be able to easily use one or both hands to fully operate the hardware?
[ADA Stds 4.13.9]

Yes _____ No _____

forward approach to a hinged door
side approach to hinged door in alcove

A clear floor space on the latch side of the door (pull side) allows a person using a wheelchair or scooter to pull the door open and then enter. The size of the clear floor space varies depending on the direction of approach (shown by the arrows) and the door swing.

7c. Is there clear maneuvering floor space in front of each accessible door (see Figure 25 in the appendix for measurements) and on the pull side, is there at least 18 inches clear floor space beyond the latch side of the door (see space configurations in Figure 25)? [ADA Stds 4.13.6]

7d. Is no more than 5 pounds force needed to push or pull open the accessible door?

Yes _____ No _____

Note: Fire doors are still considered to be accessible if they have the minimum opening force allowable by the appropriate administrative authority.
Yes _____ No _____

7e. If the answers to questions (b) thru (d) are no, can the door be propped open to provide an accessible route on election day?


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