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ADA Compliance Process by Evan Terry Associates

Note: This document or portion of document is from the www.evanterry.com archives and may not reflect the most current information, practices or code references. This is in the process of being updated and will soon be available in addition to the archived original.

to the Maximum Extent Feasible §36.402(c) The phrase "to the maximum extent feasible, " as used in this section, applies to the occasional case where the nature of an existing facility makes it virtually impossible to comply fully with applicable accessibility standards through a planned alteration. In these circumstances, the alteration shall provide the maximum physical accessibility feasible. Any altered features of the facility that can be made accessible shall be made accessible. If providing accessibility in conformance with this section to individuals with certain disabilities (e.g., those who use wheelchairs) would not be feasible, the facility shall be made accessible to persons with other types of disabilities (e.g., those who use crutches, those who have impaired vision or hearing, or those who have other impairments).

- Source: Definition from ADA Title III Regulations

The Senate Report provides guidance on what the phrase "maximum extent feasible" means –

The phrase "to the maximum extent feasible" has been included to allow for the occasional case in

which the nature of an existing facility is such as to make it virtually impossible to renovate the building in a manner that results in its being entirely accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. In all such cases, however, the alteration should provide the maximum amount of physical accessibility feasible.

Thus, for example the term "to the maximum extent feasible" should be construed as not requiring entities to make building alterations that have little likelihood of being accomplished without removing or altering a load-bearing structural member unless the load-bearing structural member is otherwise being removed or altered as part of the alteration. (S. Rept. 101-116, at 68)

- Source: Definition from Senate Report 101-116


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