A) Accessible Parking.
In new construction and in alterations, accessible parking must be provided whenever public parking is provided. Towns may wish to add accessible parking when public parking is not provided to provide access to facilities where programs, services, or activities are located. Accessible parking spaces have a number of features that make it possible for people with disabilities to get into or out of a vehicle.
Accessible Parking Spaces for Cars
Accessible parking spaces for cars have at least a 60 inch-wide access aisle located adjacent to the designated parking space. The access aisle is just wide enough to permit a person using a wheelchair to enter or exit the car. These parking spaces must be located on level ground and identified with a sign mounted in front of the parking space high enough so it is visible when a vehicle is parked.
Features of Accessible Parking Spaces for Cars
Sign with the international symbol of accessibility mounted high enough so it can be seen while a vehicle is parked in the space.
If the accessible route is located in front of the space, install wheelstops or other barriers to keep vehicles from reducing width below 36 inches.
Access aisle of at least 60-inch width must be level (1:50 maximum slope in all directions), be the same length as the adjacent parking space(s) it serves and must connect to an accessible route to the building. Ramps must not extend into the access aisle.
Boundary of the access aisle must be marked. The end may be a squared or curved shape.
Two parking spaces may share an access aisle.
Van-Accessible Parking Spaces
One of every eight accessible parking spaces, but always at least one, must be accessible for vans with a side-mounted lift. If only one accessible space is provided, it must be a van-accessible space.
Van-accessible parking spaces incorporate the same requirements as accessible parking spaces for cars and have three additional features for vans:
• a wider access aisle (96 inch-wide) to accommodate a wheelchair lift;
• vertical clearance to accommodate van height at the van parking space, the adjacent access aisle, and on the vehicular route to and from the van-accessible space, and
• an additional sign that identifies the parking spaces as “van accessible.”
When accessible parking spaces are added in an existing parking lot, towns must locate the accessible spaces on the most level ground close to the accessible entrance. An accessible route must always be provided from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible entrance.
The ADA Standards have technical requirements for parking lots and garages but no technical requirements for the design of on-street parking.
For more information about accessible parking, see the ADA Standards and other publications listed in Part III: Resources (page 20).
Three Additional Features for Van-Accessible Parking Spaces
Sign with “van accessible” and the international symbol of accessibility mounted high enough so the sign can be seen when a vehicle is parked in the space
96-inch min. width access aisle, level (max. slope 1:50 in all directions), located beside the van parking space
98-inch min. high clearance at van parking space, access aisle, and on vehicular route to and from van space
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