Accessible cells do not compromise the security of prison personnel. In fact, having accessible cells increases security because they allow inmates with mobility disabilities to function independently, minimizing the need for assistance from guards.
Basic Features
Inmates with disabilities - including those who use wheelchairs - need to be able to enter their cells and move around inside them, using the cells’ features without assistance. What makes this possible? Careful planning and design will incorporate elements such as a wider entrance door, adequate clear floor space, appropriate placement and models of fixtures and furniture, and grab bars.
Location or Dispersion of Cells
Dispersing accessible cells throughout a facility ensures that inmates with disabilities are able to be housed with inmates of the same classification levels. Generally, inmates with disabilities who are not ill do not need to be housed in a medical ward.
Furniture and Cell Features
Accessible cells need to contain the same features as other cells for inmates housed at the same classification level. For instance, where other cells contain writing desks, accessible writing desks are needed in accessible cells
Clear floor spaces for inmates who use mobility devices
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